Paperback Option




Back Cover Summary

It’s time to revolutionize the pharmaceutical, educational, and religious systems by looking deep within to the eye of higher intelligence. For if thine eye be single, your whole body will be full of light that shows one the way, the truth, and their new life behind all the labels and deceptions disguised as truth that keeps society prisoners in the darkness of Plato’s cave. Through the eye, we can bring an end to the hollywood suicides, the homeless crisis, sickness, racism, hate, and division. For the two external eyes will show you wars, rumors of wars, disease, and destruction, but the eye that is single will show you real knowledge, healing, and the face of God. For the mind is strong, but the eye within the mind is the omega, the Yahweh, the soul.

About The Author

Bobby Bushnell is an author, owner and CEO of Inner Eye Fitness LLC, and the founder of a nonprofit foundation for the homeless known as the Inner Hero’s for Humanity Foundation. He’s been a personal trainer for 8 years and has reversed a variety of chronic diseases at just 26 years old. Bobby has trained all walks of life from professional athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and your everyday person whose seeking transformation and change in their overall health. However, things never came easy for Bobby and he credits his knowledge and inspiring words to the suffering he has faced with the educational systems, pharmaceutical systems, religious systems, and the overall framework of society. Through suffering, he has attained not only the knowledge to bring healing to this world, but has allowed him to tap into his spiritual gifts that connect him to higher beings and other worlds much greater than this one.


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